Friday, March 21, 2008

Baby Flu

A couple of weeks ago, Courtney and Aiden went on a ski trip with her parents and brother and brother's girlfriend. On the last day, right before coming home, Aiden came down with some sort of flu bug. He was throwing up and it was not fun. The next day, he seemed fine. Courtney took him to her mom's house to take some pictures of the family before her brother, Spencer, and Jen left town. Jen was clicking away on the camera and happend to somehow catch Aiden in a picture as he was throwing was so disguisting. It is the miracle picture because I have no idea how that could happen. He is feeling better now, but we will always have a reminder that he was sick on this ski trip!


Dannenbergs said...

That's disgusting!

Kimberly said...

Nice action shot! Seriously, though, that's really gross :-)